Rob Judges - Wrappr

Rob Judges

Wrappr: Have you always wanted to be an artist?

Rob: Yes, I have.  The first thing I ever wanted to be was a comic book artist

W: Tell us a bit about your background, and how you got to where you are now

R: I learned to draw by imitating comic book artists when I was a kid. I then learned to paint by trying to "paint" the way comics looked, only, I kept taking it further until my art became its own thing. Then I moved to Tokyo for fifteen years to soak up as much inspiration as I could and build my art practice in Japan. In 2018 I brought it home to Toronto where I'm currently painting.

W: What type of work do you do for your clients?

R: I beautify their spaces with my artwork and enrich their collections. People who ask for my work usually have some sort of idea or element they want to see incorporated into a beautiful, one-of-a-kind painting or drawing.

W: What type of work do you do for your own enjoyment?

R: For my own enjoyment I create little collages for my close friends, and I make them mix-cds of music I think they need to hear. I also like doodling for enjoyment or doing a little street art.

W: What work of yours would you like to be remembered for? Or is it something you are working on?

R: I wouldn't mind being remembered for my paintings. I'd love to see one be acquired by a Canadian museum.

W: What is your creative process?

R: Visions, language and rhythms in my head gestate a while then need to get out and be brought to life. This often starts with me drawing the thing over and over again, and then I paint the best one. Sometimes I will skip the drawing art and get right into the painting.

Rob Judges in his studio

W: What are you planning to create next?

R: A massive, colourful scene of a big street party with all kinds of people in it, each being free and doing their thing.

W: That sounds amazing! What is your biggest indulgence?

R: I can't stop listening to music. I get deeply into it.

W: Where do you find inspiration?

R: Museums and art galleries, mostly. Foreign lands, too.

W: How do you feel about being involved with Wrappr?

R: I'm super excited to create a furoshiki with Wrappr which I can add to my own little collection of beautiful ones I got in Japan over the years, or use to dress up some of these mix-cds I make my friends! In fact, it never occurred to me that a furoshiki could have my art on it, so I'm really happy.

W: What are your thoughts on the climate crisis, zero-waste products, things you’re doing to be environmentally friendly, etc.

R: Being environmentally-conscious is inseparable from my life. I hate waste so much I have learned new techniques just to reduce wasted paint in my process. I'm also done with plastic.


Artist Rob Judges in his studio

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