Corina Plamada - Wrappr

Corina Plamada

Who are you and how did you start making art? Why do you make art?

Hello, my name is Corina, and I currently live in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where I work as an illustrator and UI/UX designer. I’ve always loved art, but when I started college I somehow stopped doing illustrations and focused more on graphic and product design. I began drawing again at the end of 2018, when I bought my first iPad and I started doing digital illustrations.

I initially started to create art for myself because I believe it is a great way for me to express myself and learn more about who I am but I still have a long journey ahead of me. Since I discovered the art community on Instagram I enjoy following other artists to admire their work and their progress, and I hope that others like seeing my work as well.

What do you do to get into your creative zone?

I'm a person who is definitely influenced by the weather, so I can absolutely say that I'm more creative in the summer haha. I've discovered through the years that it's better to take a break, go for a walk, or watch a good movie instead of forcing myself to be creative when I'm not in a creative mood.

What is your inspiration? Or how has your personal experience influenced your creativity?

My main source of inspiration is nature, however I also get inspiration from the everyday things and people surrounding me. The beauty of the simple things all around me never stops to amaze me. I also enjoy taking pictures, and doing so has definitely helped me see the world from a different perspective.

What is your most important artists’ tool, the one thing you couldn’t imagine creating without? 

Since we are in 2023, I would probably say my iPad, haha. Since I started doing digital illustrations in 2019, it’s become quite hard for me to stop using my iPad. I love doing traditional illustrations as well, but because I have so many ideas in mind and can't decide on a single one, it's easier to use the iPad and have the undo option if I don’t like something. This option is definitely a lifesaver.

How has your practice changed over the past 2 years?

I created an instagram account back in 2019 when I started doing digital illustrations and the main reason behind it was to be able to track my progress and keep me motivated. It’s really interesting to look back where I started and where I am now, and to see how much my style has changed.

What is your dream creative project or dream team collaboration? 

Wrappr project is definitely a great one and I’m super happy to be a part of it. In the future I would like to collaborate with other illustrators, be surrounded with talented people and work in a really creative studio.

Who are your biggest influences (art, music, film, socials, activism etc)? 

I find it difficult to name my biggest influences besides nature because I'm still discovering out who I am and what I like and I would probably have to say that I'm pretty much influenced by everything that happens around me.

What is the role of an artist in society?

Art can be quite powerful. As the phrase goes, “a picture is worth a thousands words”, and I do believe that a message can have a greater impact if it’s delivered in a visual form.

Do you have any tips or practices to share with people who are making the lifestyle shift towards zero-waste and sustainable practices? 

Aim big, but take your time and do it at your own pace, is what I would encourage. It's challenging to make major changes overnight, especially when we live in a society that pushes us to buy and use as many brand-new things as possible.

I try to buy as much fresh food as I can, limit the amount of meat I eat, and reduce the quantity of paper, plastic, and waste that I produce. I always carry my own fabric bags for fruits and vegetables, and I never use plastic bags; instead, I use tote bags that I always have on me. I also like to reuse and recycle as many items as I can, I buy from thrift shops and I only drive in the city when absolutely necessary. Usually, I walk or take the bus. 

What is the highlight of collaborating with Wrappr for you? 

I think this collaboration is a great way to be more sustainable, and I love that it comes in such a creative and beautiful form.

What is your favorite way to use a Wrappr? Bonus points for originality! 

Well, I've had a lot of ideas in mind, but I think the main purpose would be as a hair accessory. I would use it to make a bow, curl my hair, and maybe as a headband. I'd also wear it as a belt and as a bag accessory. Wrapping gifts is another great idea, especially for holidays or birthdays, and I'm sure my friends would appreciate this kind of gift.

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